Tag Archives: Phone Man


I’ve retired from my job of 31.5 years. What a stressful month or so it’s been leading up to this point and a pretty emotional time once I left. The hardest decision I’ve ever made. This is the only job I’ve had in my adult life as I hired on right after high school. My work place has been so much a part of my family’s lives.
Although I loved my job, some changes I didn’t like and I wanted to leave before it took more of a toll on me physically. I’m retiring earlier than I should but it’s a risk we decided to take. I used to have money but no time, now I have time and no money and the time is getting shorter and shorter as the honey-do list is getting longer and longer.

It was an interesting job. Over the years on the job I’ve seen death, drugs, sex, violence, domestic violence, the poor, the rich, roach and rat infested houses, criminal acts of all kinds, devastation from tornadoes and storms, some really neat places that are off limits to most. Done work for President Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney, Russian President Boris Yeltzen, a few celebrities. Been dog bit several times, way too many wasp stings to count, flea bitten, fallen off of poles, near frostbite, near heat exhaustion, vehicle accidents.

Was an exciting time to be a phoneman. Got to see a lot of changes in the technology and industry. When I started it was still Ma Bell and a monopoly. There were still party lines and Touch Tone was optional, you couldn’t go buy a phone. During my career these were introduced… the fax machine, cordless phones, calling features like call waiting and caller id, dial-up data, internet, fiber, wireless, broadband, voip, broadband tv.

Last night we had a little celebration with my parents. They took us to dinner, got me a cake and gave me a generous gift.

Work Anniversary Party

Although my 30th anniversary at work was last October we just now got around to having my party. I chose to keep it simple and have pizza for the crew in the crew room. I already had received the gift I chose which was a bicycle. Today I got this plaque and 2 of my crew mates got me 1 Powerball ticket for each of my years of service.

New Door Signs

A couple signs posted on doors this week.

This was on a locked door to an apartment building. The person must have propped the door open for me but someone didn’t obey the sign. Probably just as well as I was planning on doing a slow install.


This is old news but last month I celebrated a milestone anniversary at work.

Make Shift Bridge

We had quite a bit of rain here a couple of weeks ago which is causing me to have to work a lot of overtime including my days off which I’m not fond of.

Photos From Work

First 3 photos: inside a house I was working in. In addition to all the junk there was an abundance of cats, roaches and mice. The nicest lady lived here. She even called back in to give me a commendation.
4th photo: old phone terminal on a pole from early 1900s.
5th photo: a pigeon perched on my ladder inside a business.