Category Archives: Gardening

Garden 2019


Butterflies, a caterpillar and a dragonfly in the garden today.

Our Garden Spring 2017

Minnow Bucket Patio Table Light

Many years ago I converted this old minnow bucket I purchased at an antique store into a light to hang over the table on our deck.

Materials used…
Inner portion of a minnow bucket.
Outdoor light socket.
Extension cord.
Plumbing strap.
Eye bolt.
Washers – 2.
Wire nuts.
Fish stringer.
Electrical tape.
Light bulb.

The light socket is made of rubber suited for outdoor use.

I drilled 2 holes in the bottom of the bucket. One for an eye bolt to hang the bucket by and the other to run the cord through.

I made an L bracket from plumbing strap and attached it inside using the eye bolt. I then used zip ties to attach the socket to the L bracket. To wire it I cut off the female end of an extension cord, ran it through the hole I drilled and then wire nutted it to the socket. I wrapped electrical tape around the cord where it goes through the hole. I’ve had no problems with this but it might be better to use an electrical box cable clamp. The light is hung by a fish stringer which also helps to hide the cord.

The cord runs to an electrical outlet on our deck which we just plug in to turn the light on.

Solar Chandelier

Well over a year ago while on a bike ride I found this light fixture dumped on the side of the road. I couldn’t resist bringing it home even though I had no plans for it. When Nova seen it she suggested we put solar lights on it and hang it outside.

I finally got around to doing it. I removed the wiring and flipped the light fixtures upside down. Was lucky that the solar lights we picked pressed right in to the fixture. Even though it’s currently hanging from a tree it does receive enough sun to charge the lights.

Our Friends Garden

I quickly snapped a few pics while at a friends house the other day. They have such a beautiful and fun yard (and house). I hope to get better photos some day.

Garden Gate

I recently placed these bicycle sprockets above the backyard gate. They are from the schedule sign I’d made for the Midwest Bicycle Fest that we used to put on. They are welded together. The Welcome sign is a painted and distressed 2×8.

No More Fish Pond

I decided to fill in the small pond in our back yard. It was in bad shape and I was tired of maintaining it.

Now what to do with the fish? I put them in this small stock tank we had. I think we may keep this as I expect it’ll be easier to clean than the pond was. Being above ground I’m sure I’d need to get a pond heater for winter though or the thing will freeze solid.

THe old pond is now a temporary compost pit which I think I’ll eventually cover with grass once it’s settled.