Tag Archives: Phone Man

Work Photos

My desk at the barn. Just this last year was the first time I’ve ever had a desk or cubicle. Always have sat at big tables shared by the whole crew.

This is just part of 1 of 2 phone rooms at an aircraft plant that I spend part of the day at. There is a lot more stuff that makes it all work but this is just the part I work on. Each orange block holds 50 phone lines. There’s approx 6000 lines here which is just for about half the plant.

This is an old phone from same plant. I think it’s specially designed to not give off any sparks when used. I believe it was used in areas where there is potential for explosions like chemical and painting areas.

Truck Antenna

I’ve always been amazed at the number of antenna on my truck. Phone, laptop, GPS and who knows what else.

Cable TV Fix

On a pole some sort of patch made of tin foil on the Cable TV Coax. Never seen this done before.

Snow Man

Driving down a main street today I see this body lying at the streets edge in the snow. I assumed he was drunk and passed out but even so I thought I’d better check on him. Others were just slowing down and driving on by. I circled the block and stopped at the curb in front of him. I first honked to see if I’d get a reaction from him and he did twitch a little. I got out of my vehicle and approached him and begin to talk to him. I concluded he was drunk. It just so happened he had passed out across the street from a fire station. A fireman had spotted us and came over to see what was happening. I informed him the gentleman was drunk. The fireman asked the intoxicated man how much he had to drink. The fellow replied “too much”.

Ice Storm

It started out as a full day of rain with the temperature right at freezing. Doesn’t get any more miserable than that. The next day was a mix of sleet and snow. Now every thing’s coated in a thick layer of ice. It seems that every utility line in town has been yanked from pole or house due to the weight of the ice or falling limbs. Streets are blocked by limbs and lines. We spend part of the first morning after the rain using deicer and torches trying to thaw the frozen doors on our trucks. Tools are filled with ice and not functioning. Hammer at the pole to knock of the ice before ascending then chisel it off of the terminal box to get in. Wear a hard hat to protect from falling limbs and ice. The sounds of generators and chain saws fill the still air.