Tan Tan Noodles

Notes: Prep and Cook Time: Prep and cooking time: 15 minutes

1/4 lb soba noodles*
1/2 cup minced scallion

2 TBS peanut butter
2 TBS rice vinegar
1-1/2 TBS soy sauce
1 TBS honey
2 medium cloves garlic, chopped
2-1/2 TBS minced or grated fresh ginger
2 TBS water
pinch cayenne to taste
Salt and white pepper to taste
* for those who are gluten-intolerant, it’s possible to find soba noodles that are made from 100% buckwheat rather than part buckwheat and part wheat.

Bring lightly salted water to a boil and cook soba noodles according to package instructions.
While water is coming to a boil, blend sauce ingredients together in a blender and minced scallion.
Drain noodles, and toss with sauce and scallion.

Serves 4 as side dish

Source: whfoods.com