A Sore Subject

Within the past year or so I’ve had 2 bouts with saddle sores which is 2/3 of the saddle sore incidents I’ve had over my nearly 50 years of riding a bike. It’s hard for me to determine what the cause is because I ride so many different bikes and saddles. I notice one evening I have a saddle sore… Is it from the bike I rode that day or the one I rode the day prior? Is it even a specific bike or saddle? Is it my clothing, hygiene or anatomy? I ride nearly daily, I’m a heavy sweater and that’s from every square inch of my body, I don’t wear cycling specific clothing and I tend to stay in my sweat soaked clothes after my ride as I’m usually doing sweat inducing things around the house. I’m sure all of the above contribute to the problem.

The previous time I just kept riding through the healing process. It did take a long time though for the 2 sores to totally go away. This most recent time it was just one side but bad enough that I took two days off from riding.

To heal, the routine I’ve been following and what seems to work is applying an antibiotic like Neosporin in the morning and a hemorrhoid medicine like Preparation H in the evening to shrink the cyst that’s below the skin. I apply an ointment like A&D to my rear before I ride and I immediately shower after I ride.

I now ride in fear of developing saddle sores. Not sure what to do. I could try riding just one bike for several days in a row to see what happens instead of riding a different bike each day of the week. I could try riding in chamois shorts but I dislike them and it seems ridiculous to have to wear them for rides to the grocery store etc.. I think I’ll continue with the A&D or some sort of butt butter and showering immediately after returning home and hope for the best.

If anyone else has had any experiences with saddle sores I’d like to hear about it.

4 thoughts on “A Sore Subject

  1. I’ve been educated working for Terry Bicycles! I hear you regarding saddle sores – I used to have them if I rode multiple days in a row until I starting wearing padded shorts – a clean pair per day – and change into clean clothes after each ride. Not everyone can afford multiple pairs of costly shorts though. You could try changing into clean clothes when you get home. Aging also plays a factor in saddle comfort – at 50+ years old we lose our natural cushion.

  2. Do you wear padded shorts every ride or only when you think you’ll be in the saddle over a certain length of time or amount of miles? I’m definitely improving my post ride hygiene and think I will try wearing padded shorts/underwear more often. Thanks Annie for the input.

  3. I was plagued with saddle sores about 10 years ago. I rode in padded shorts (still do), and I changed out of them immediately after a ride, and a shower. I’ve tried a lot of the salves and lotions for saddle sores, but the one that works best for me is Bag Balm. These days I don’t have saddle sores anymore, and don’t even think about them. I also do not lube my bottom before a ride anymore.

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