Not Our Usual Coffee Ride

What was to be just another mundane ride for coffee turned a little less mundane yesterday afternoon when we located a missing person. We weren’t too far from home when we come across a group of people that appeared to be combing an area looking for something. A man in the group stopped us and explained they were looking for a missing person. He gave us a description of the woman, we made mental notes of the description, wished them luck and headed on down the road with a slight sunken feeling in our chests.

It wasn’t but about a mile later as we’re pedaling along I was gazing across the road and out into a field when I thought I spotted something that looked out of place at the edge of the woods. I convinced myself it was nothing and kept moving but right after we both thought we heard the yell of a human voice. We turned around and as we rode back we could tell it was a person and the closer we got we recognized the clothing from the description the man had gave us. Afraid of loosing site of the woman I took off riding across the field rather hurriedly until it became too overgrown and muddy then I began walking at a fast pace. Once I was within shouting distance I made contact with the woman and began conversing with her as I made my way closer to her.

After talking to her a bit and accessing the situation I asked her permission to make a call and let the authorities know where she was. By this time Nova had reached us and continued talking with the woman as I made the call. Out of respect for this person I don’t want to go into any detail as to what else happened after we made contact with her or what we were able to figure out about the situation. I will say she spent at least one chilly, rainy night in the woods with no shelter. We convinced the woman to come with us across the field and up to the street to meet the police when they arrived. Her friends and family showed up soon after.

After we finished giving our report to the police we rode on to our destination and of course what had just happened gave us something new to discuss while sipping our coffee.

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