Bike Life During A Pandemic – 2

Like most of you I assume, we’ve been under a “stay at home” ordinance for a couple of weeks now. Only essential businesses are open and you only leave the house for essential errands. Exercise is considered essential and although we’ve never rode for exercise, I guess we are now.

Our rides around here would normally include an errand or to go out to eat etc… We usually would pick up some grocery items by bike on almost a daily basis. For a few weeks now we’ve been avoiding going in to stores and are using the online ordering and curbside pickup service that our grocery stores offer. We’re ordering in bigger quantities and picking up our order by car. We’d usually eat lunch out a couple times a week but have now been doing an occasional picnic lunch instead.

After a few weeks of not seeing my parents, we’re trying to go back to our usual schedule of seeing each other weekly. We’ve met with them twice, outside and keeping our distance. No food or beverage as we’d normally do.

So not a whole lot has changed for us and we are making do just fine. I hope you are too. I’d like to hear if the current situation has changed anything you do as related to cycling. Feel free to comment.

Below are photos from the past couple of weeks.

7 thoughts on “Bike Life During A Pandemic – 2

  1. Sounds like you are doing just about all the things I am doing. Trying to ride the 30 Days of April — solo and from my house. I have listed about 6 routes I can take and can vary those a bit to keep it at least marginally interesting. I keep far away from anyone I see — and those are few as I do not ride on trails — carry my own food and stop for a solo picnic lunch or snack. I am not terribly extroverted, but I do miss riding with my friends and sharing what we see and do, but I often ride on my own anyway. I’m with Nova about the restroom problem!!! My rides have not been really long, so by the time I return home I rush into the bathroom for that ‘oh what a relief it is’ feeling!! If I end up on a longer ride, I may need to look for a hidden bush which is challenging in the area I ride.

    Thanks for your posts Randy as I do enjoy them. Stay safe and healthy.

  2. Hey Randy..just wondering thinking of buying a cheap leather saddle other than Brooks.. considering a gyes or persons ..trying to keep the price down.. any advice?…thanks for your time and stay safe..

    1. I don’t have any experience with either of those but am aware of them and often thought of trying one. If you get one of them be sure to let me know what you think.
      I had been wanting another Brooks but been putting it off due to cost and not being able to decide between leather and the Cambium. What I really wanted was this turquoise(ish) Cambium that would match the pedals and tires on my Specialized but it was even higher priced than the others. Anyway we had earned some points/dollars at a retailer and I had just noticed that they carried Brooks so decided to take a chance on the Cambium since it would (sort of) be free.

  3. Hi Randy. Yeah, I’ve been mostly a bike commuter, riding to work and/or for groceries. Now I’m furloughed so I have all the time in the world to do things, yet am limited by the current situation. I’m riding almost daily unless there’s consistent rain. I’m lending structure to my day by doing little projects around our house as we’re trying to sell our house, while construction has ceased on the new one. I’m terrified to go grocery shopping and put it off until we need lots of items. Of course we feel out of sorts! I’ve been trying to help out my brother and mom, the former has also been furloughed and has been thrown into full time caregiver mode. I want to help almost daily and yet there’s been some sickness in our own family (nothing bad, yet) so I’ve been keeping my distance.

    1. Has construction stopped on the new home due to the virus or weather? Here they are allowing construction of new homes to continue. I’m sure it’s been slowed down some though.
      Our rides almost always include an errand or making stops at places where people are, restaurant or C-store or whatever. Still haven’t gotten used to it and while out I find myself forgetting and starting to say “hey let’s stop at…”
      Such an odd time we’re in and instead of just sitting around waiting for it to be over I think we need to learn to adapt to, and make the best of, what I think we’ll be the new norm for a while anyway.
      You and yours take care!

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