Fashion Friday

Finally got around to doing something with my 2019 Errandonnee patch. Using E6000 I glued it to this camo, flat billed, snapback hat I got off of Amazon. The choice of camo in theory is to hide dirt and sweat but I doubt it works.

Earlier this week I bought these nylon cargo shorts on sale at the Eddie Bauer Outlet Store. If I recall correctly the sale price was about $30. Not as cheap as the Wranglers I usually buy but still less expensive than most cycling specific shorts. A lot of the shirts I ride in are Eddie Bauer (including the one in this pic) and I really like them but I can’t recall ever purchasing any of their shorts before. I put them to the test today when we rode in 99 degree heat to the casino. I was of course sweating like a pig upon arrival but the shorts didn’t show it. I like my shorts long and as I frequently do I probably bought these a size too big to get the length I like and will later regret my choice because they are so baggy. So one ride in and I do really like them. The cargo pockets don’t have a velcro or zipper closure but instead the flap that covers them is sewn down the sides to keep the flap and the pocket’s contents in place. The rear pockets have a patch of velcro for a closure. Time will tell how well they wear.
I like that style of shorts for riding. I get mine online at LL Bean. My go to place for active wear.
I’ll have to take a look at LL Bean. Thanks.