What’s Happening And A Misc. Photo Dump
Due to all the storms and rain and starting on some much needed house repairs, I haven’t been on a bike in several days. The last time I was on a bike was Friday evening when we participated in our town’s bike month event which included a short ride with the Mayor. Sunday was a decent day and our monthly old bikes ride but we opted to skip it to continue working on the house.
This coming weekend is the Pedaler’s Jamboree on the KATY Trail and I need to decide what bike I’m taking and hopefully ride it a little between now and then to make sure it’s up to the task. Don’t know if the weather will allow for that though. I should just take one of my more practical bikes but I like to take one that I consider fun, like one of my old ratty cruisers or klunkers. If Missouri is getting the amount of rain we’re getting here, I worry some of the Katy trail may be flooded.
Anyway… below are some misc. photos I took back when I used to ride bikes lol.
To the store for soy sauce. Unclaimed bikes at our town’s police department. Our friend Everett ghost riding the bike he won at our town’s bike month event. Spotted at the grocery store. Picnic at the lake which was cut short due to a storm rolling in. Spotted at Walmart. Cruising in the big city. Spotted at Walmart. Seen at a thrift store. To the grocery store. Snack break. Rat Daddy.