Western Flyer Swap Meet Purchase
Pictured below are what I brought home from the recent swap meet. The bike in the back I purchased. It’s a Cleveland Welding Company built bike, I assume a Western Flyer from the early 50s, I really don’t know and don’t care enough to research it. The other frame and the basket were given to me and the handlebars were from the swap’s Free Pile.

I just love the patina on the Western Flyer. The frame and the wheels have been painted multiple times. I was anxious to get it in working order and wanted to do so with minimal effort. I put on a rear tube, tire and a seat that I had and installed the handlebars that I picked from the free pile. Surprisingly other than the crusty chain which I oiled, everything else moved freely. I took it for a spin and it rode pretty well. The wheels are a little out of true.

The front tire had air in it when I received the bike and I didn’t think to inspect it. It wasn’t until I returned home from my ride that I noticed the shape it was in.

I swapped out both tires with a matching pair of Schwinn Typhoon Cords I had. I also had a rear fender I wasn’t using although it’s not the peaked style that’s on the front and original to the bike. I attempted to paint and distress the fender using colors of paint I had on hand. While in the garage it looked like I nailed it but once outside in the sunlight I could see the color was off. I’ll have to work on that.

I think I’ll ride this bike (with my fingers crossed that nothing breaks) on our monthly old bikes group ride this Sunday.

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