New Cold Weather Items

I recently bought a few these neck gaiter, neck and head warmer scarf things.

I’m really liking them. These are thinner but a lot more versatile than whatever it is I used to wear around my neck. The thinner material doesn’t seem to be a problem though in the way that I use them which is almost always in conjunction with a hat be it stocking or ball cap.

Pictured above I’m wearing a grey one around my neck. Around my head is a balaclava which I usually only wear on the coldest of days. The stocking cap I’m wearing was a recent ground score. I assume it has something to do with ball sports. Maybe the logo of the All Stars. When riding I pulled the neck gaiter up and around my face and ears, over the balaclava and hat to add another layer of warmth.

I’ve always ridden in gloves of various types in cold weather. On the coldest of days my warmest of gloves don’t cut it though. Nova likes her mittens and insisted I try them and bought me a pair. I wore then this morning when I rode. It was around 10 degrees and my hands stayed toasty. Maybe too toasty as they were sweating by the time I returned home with the temp around 18 degrees. The downside to the mittens of course is they make shifting (not that important) and braking (somewhat important) more difficult. When I really found them awkward though was when trying to adjust my head and face gear i.e. pulling neck gaiter up or down.