Ride To The Casino

Charlie answered our Facebook contest question correctly and has a chance to win money on the slot machine. Watch to see if he wins…

I took off to the casino against a 10mph wind which was a lot better than yesterday’s 20+ mph wind. I was headed to the casino yesterday but abandoned that plan after a couple miles against that wind and turned to ride a different direction. Today I decided to take the paved way there to make it a little easier.

Taking the paved route I ride through a near-by town and by this old school turned community building. I’m reminded of something that happened nearly 25 years ago. Then I was a wanna-be photographer and a friend had asked me to photograph his wedding to which I agreed. The wedding took place in a garden in another city with the reception being held in this building. What a fiasco photographing the ceremony and reception turned out to be. Although I checked out books from the library and studied and studied, I found out I was in no way prepared like I thought I was. It would have been easier shooting a group photo of wild orangutangs then it was getting the wedding party organized for photos. Very few would listen to my direction and those that did took issue with what I was telling them to do. I also remember the bride-to-be’s Mother nagging me the entire time. I had brought a ton of film but still ran out and had to send Nova to another town to get more.
The couple divorced long ago but every time I ride by here I recall what happened and always wonder if their divorce stemmed from arguments over their crappy wedding photos. I swore never to take on anything like that again and haven’t. I gained a lot of respect for wedding photographers that day.

Once I had my fill of fun, food and drink at the casino I stepped outside to find the wind had done a 180 and it’s speed doubled. I thought about just going back inside and spending the rest of the day there till Nova could come and get me but instead decided to not be such a wimp and just do it.

What a torturous ride home it was. Never was the occasional naked, scraggly hedge row such a welcome site.

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