Coffeeneuring Challenge 2018 – Coffee 3
My parents invited me over for coffee this morning. The Coffeeneuring rules state that the Coffeeneuring week begins on Friday so I can count this one even though I’ve done 2 earlier in the week. It was raining so I rode a bike with fenders. I think I’ll try to ride a different bike for each coffee of the challenge.
- Location: Parents house.
- Date: 10-19-2018
- Coffee: Automatic drip decaf of some kind.
- Details: I usually get together with my parents for coffee once a week. Mom generally makes us decaf as by the time I get over there all of us have already consumed enough caffeine to get us through the morning.
- Miles: 5 (I’m just guesstimating as I don’t keep track of my miles)
- Bike: Monark rat.