Riding Rut

This pandemic period has been a bit rough for me as I’m sure it has been with most people. Coinciding with the pandemic I’ve been dealing with some health issues and have spent so much time at my Doctors office, specialist doctors, the ER and test facilities… oh yeah almost forgot about the eye surgery and all the appointments that went along with that. When Nova retired we’d hoped to do more traveling for riding. The pandemic and all my appointments have kept us from doing so and now we’re in the middle of a home remodel project that we need to stay near-by for. We’re in a riding rut here going the same routes and to the same handful of places day after day. I talk a lot about traveling once this home project is done but the virus is ramping up again and I feel unmotivated to plan anything and even a little apprehension and anxiety about leaving home. Almost as if I’m afraid to leave a comfort zone that I’ve created during this time. I reluctantly celebrated a birthday a week ago and feel like I’ve aged 10 years since my last one.

I thought the first step to get out of this rut and motivated again would be a simple bike overnight leaving from home but the night time temperature right now is just too hot for camping so that’ll have to wait. Maybe a couple days trip to another city to ride like the last time we rode out-of-town in Tulsa would do us good. We’ll see how things play out.

Despite the riding rut I am very thankful that I’m able to ride even if every ride seems the same. The bike rides have definitely been a way to temporarily escape all that’s been happening this past 16 or so months.