30 Days Of Biking – Days 11 – 20
04-11 We rode to a park where we made coffee and then to a store to get something for a picnic lunch which we ate on the patio of a business which is currently closed. We had 2 people ask us for the time today. Just thought that was interesting. Another fellow who was parking his scooter near the bike rack at the store struck up a conversation with us. Says he has no drivers license and rides his bike and scooter for transportation. He then pulled up his pants leg to show off his impressive calf which he was rightfully proud of. We also briefly talked about health and diet. Said he had suffered 2 strokes. He commended us for riding and then told us to have fun shopping.
04-12 To the post office to mail off some stickers. On the way home I was combing the dry creek bed and spotted this doll head. I’ve got a collection dolls and heads that I’ve found on my rides.
04-13 We rode for coffee at the Starbucks located in an area grocery store. While there we picked up some things for a picnic lunch. We then went to a park to consume our purchases. After lunch we rode to another grocery store for cookies and then to a c-store for another coffee which we drank and dunked our cookies in on the c-store patio table.
04-14 We rode to a neighboring town for coffee. Some of the roads were in various states of repair making them a little difficult to ride.
04-15 Out for coffee and then a picnic lunch with food we picked up at the grocery store. Sushi for Nova and rice cakes for me.

04-16 Just a short, post rain, late evening ride in town.
04-17-2021 Another ride keeping close to home. Found the stocking cap while out.
Morning ride to make coffee and an afternoon ride to get our 2nd dose of the vaccine.

04-19 Rode to the grocery store where we each grabbed something from the sushi kiosk and then went to a vacant parking lot to eat.

04-20 I looked out the wrong window this morning. What I thought was a dusting of snow and light wind was a 17mph headwind with ice pellets. I changed my course after only a mile of that.