Love the bike – as I have with all your klunkers. Where did you find that aluminum straight-bar frame? How does it ride compared to your Schwinn Heavy Duti?
Thanks. I bought it new on ebay as just a red primered frame and if I remember correctly it shipped from China. That’s all I can recall about it. As for how it compares to the Heavy-Duti I’m not sure what to say. It’s definitely lighter so it’s got that going for it. It’s a comfortable fit the way I have it set up.
I like this series.
Good. Thanks.
Hi Randy,
Love the bike – as I have with all your klunkers. Where did you find that aluminum straight-bar frame? How does it ride compared to your Schwinn Heavy Duti?
Keep up the great work and be well!
Thanks. I bought it new on ebay as just a red primered frame and if I remember correctly it shipped from China. That’s all I can recall about it. As for how it compares to the Heavy-Duti I’m not sure what to say. It’s definitely lighter so it’s got that going for it. It’s a comfortable fit the way I have it set up.
Great bike! Do you know what brand and model it is?
Sorry I have no idea. It’s not branded in anyway. I found it on ebay and if I recall correctly it shipped from China.