Bike Life During A Pandemic – 7
A couple things I’ve carried through the pandemic with multiple uses.
Hand Sanitizer. In addition to sanitizing hands I’ve also used it to remove sugary drink residue from picnic tables…

and to clean my hands after fixing a thrown chain that desperately needs to be cleaned.

Neck gaiter/Buff. I’d normally only wear these in the winter but this year due to the virus I’ve continued to wear them and found additional benefits I hadn’t really thought of previously.
Worn as a face mask indoors to help with the potential spread of the virus…

and it protects the neck from the sun and can be quickly pulled over the face as a dust mask when vehicles blast past on gravel roads…

or worn as a sweatband. I also pull it over my ears to cut down on the wind noise. Ridiculous headwinds seem a little easier to ride against when not as loud.