New Beer And Ridiculous Wind
Yesterday we rode to the casino for lunch and beverages. The ride there was a pleasant one. Temp in the upper 30s and wind in the teens. Once at the casino after a cup of water, our first beer was a favorite, Wichita Brewing Company’s Ramblin’ Gambler which is a winter porter served in a sugar and spice rimmed glass. Next up was a new one to us, out of Maine, the Sea Dog Brewing Company’s Raspberry Wheat Ale. It was refreshing, slightly tart and a low ABV. We both thought it was really good. Probably even better in the summer.
Contrary to our ride there, the ride home wasn’t so pleasant. The wind was around 30mph with gusts I believe approaching 50mph. Riding in this wind would have been comical if we weren’t sharing the road with cars going 55mph. At one point Nova couldn’t stay upright and had to walk. A nice gentleman in a pickup even stopped to ask if we wanted a ride which we politely declined.