Coffeeneuring Challenge 2019 – Coffee 5
See all Coffeeneuring 2019 posts.
- Date: 10-28-2019
- Location: Kansas Star Casino.
- Coffee: Folgers.
- Miles: 19.
- Bike: Salsa Journeyman.
- Details: More coffee on the cheap. We rode to the casino for free coffee. Was a cold and windy ride with the temperature 37° and the wind 15mph. The coffee is pretty good for what and where it is.
We made a 2nd coffee ride early evening. A short ride to the c-store as I remembered it was free coffee Monday. This will be tomorrow morning’s coffee.
I can’t think of anything better than a cup of instant coffee. Well maybe some things. But no more than 10,000. But but, as they say. “Any port in a storm.”