Thunder Bay – Ontario – Canada
The final ride on our Summer trip. From Duluth we drove even farther north, along Lake Superior, in to Canada and to the city of Thunder Bay where we spent one day riding around. This was our second time riding in Canada. The first was the Galloping Goose trail on Vancouver Island many years ago.
Other posts from this trip here.
As for the breweries… We stopped at 2… Sleeping Giant and Dawson’s Trail. Both had good beers. Sleeping Giant has a really nice atmosphere whereas Dawson’s Trail was more of a fill your growler and go kind of place.
Some notes on this trip…
As per usual we really didn’t have a plan other than to go to Minneapolis to escape the heat at home. Everything else just happened from there. Yes we probably miss a lot by not planning but we enjoy just letting things unfold as they may. We’ve “just happened uponed” a lot of cool places and things traveling this way.
The bike I chose for this trip was one of my beater/klunker type bikes, an old Schwinn frame I’d built up with 26×1.25 tires, hand brakes, a 14 speed drivetrain, somewhat upright handlebars, a Brooks saddle and a basket. It really worked out well for the riding we did on this trip. Nova brought her Trek hybrid.
Welcome to Ontario. Real Canadian Superstore. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Lunch at a Thai restaurant. Thunder Bay. Coffee stop. Thunder Bay. Stop for a snack. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. The sleeping giant. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay. Sleeping Giant brewery. Sleeping Giant brewery. Sleeping Giant brewery. Sleeping Giant brewery. Dawson’s Trail brewing.
Some notes on the videos on this trip… I didn’t put a lot of effort into taking and making proper videos. I may have taken more video with my phone for my Instagram stories than I did with my camera for Youtube. Trying to do video for both platforms plus take photos is too much. I really need to focus on one or the other. I prefer that be Youtube but Instagram Stories are so quick, easy and instant. ANyway here’s a rough edit of some clips I did take…