Fashion Friday
The other morning I was taking a peek into a closet where I keep clothing that I rarely wear, like my funeral suit, and spotted this Hawaiian shirt that I bought from a thrift store years ago for a themed grouped ride I organized. I decided to wear it on our ride to a neighboring town to get a cold brew coffee. In the terrible heat and humidity it worked out pretty well being really light weight. It didn’t show sweat and dried really quickly. I think I’ll move it to my everyday closet.

After our cold brew we stopped in at the Goodwill there. I’m always on the lookout for shirts that I think would be good for riding in but didn’t see anything but Nova did spot an actual cycling jersey that I overlooked. Even though I never wear cycling jerseys I couldn’t pass it up. It was brand new, still having the manufacturer’s tag and was only $3.99. The shirt is from a ride near here The Tour De Salt that takes place “over salty terrain in an active salt mine 650’ under the Kansas prairie”. We’ve considered doing this ride but don’t want to fork out the admission price. Anyway, before heading home I switched into the jersey. I really don’t have the body to be wearing such form fitting clothing but aside from how I feel I look in it, I will admit it was pretty cool and comfortable. Most of our riding is to go places like the store, restaurant etc… and I don’t see myself wearing it on those occasions but I’m sure I will find appropriate times to wear it again.