Fashion Friday
Not too long ago the bicycles on this vest at Target caught my eye. It had been a while since I’d seen any clothing there with bikes on it. On closer inspection I believe the image of the kids on a muscle and BMX bikes is representative of the show Stranger Things.

Some of the features of this gorgeous vest are no sleeves, a pocket on the front right side to keep your hand warm and a wine compartment on the left. With the vest’s bright orange color, you’ll be seen by those behind steering wheels who don’t like you because you’re riding a bike and they’ll be forced to make a conscious decision whether to run you over or not.
Our full-of-fun friend Teri volunteered to model the vest.

Side note: The fashionable swing bike pictured is one I built. I gave the frame away to a friend years ago. Whoever owns it now had it up on FB Marketplace for $500 and then at the recent swap priced at $300. I’m surprised the frame hasn’t broke.