Weekend in Review
For years I’ve participated with our bike club in the annual St Patrick’s parade which was Saturday. In years past once the parade was over Nova would join me and the rest of the bike group participating in all the festivities, but this year and last, I didn’t ride in the parade and we chose not to join in the fun that follows. It’s just more fun than we can handle anymore. Things just get too wild and crazy. Sadly we heard 2 pedestrians were hit by a car and seriously injured Saturday night in front of the pub that is the meet up spot for our Thursday night pub pedal and our club’s unofficial club house. Instead this year we rode to the east side of the city for lunch, steering clear off all the St Patrick’s happenings in the downtown area. We ate at BJ’s Brewhouse and had barbacoa cauliflower tacos washing them down with their Harvest Hefeweizen. The tacos and the beer both really good.
Our bike club on the cover of the newspaper entertainment section on Friday. Nice that BJ’s has a bike rack. Barbacoa cauliflower tacos and a wheat beer for lunch. Brief stop at the abandoned amusement park. Most of the buildings have been torn or burned down.
Sunday we trucked our bikes to the city for Bluz Cruz Wichita our monthly old bikes ride. Was great weather and we had one of our better turnouts. I led the group on a route that followed the river path and through some older neighborhoods making a stop at an old historic building that will soon be torn down. Regrettably I didn’t put a lot of effort into getting photos.