DIY Bicycle Dropout Alignment Tool
I made a dropout alignment tool from axles, axle nuts and BMX foot pegs .
I cut the pegs down so 2 of them would fit between the rear dropouts. I threaded 2 axle nuts on to each axle and then threaded the axle into the peg. The first pair of pegs I cut the wrong length so I used them as handles for the tool.

Note: this tool should only be used on a steel bike frame or fork.
To use the tool slide them into the dropouts between the 2 nuts on the tool. TIghten the nuts on to the droputs and then turn the inner pegs till they meet. If alignment is off, back off the inner pegs slightly, grasp the pegs and manipulate the dropouts until the pegs align. The video below shows it in use.
Now, that’s really clever engineering, there!
Thanks. I’d seen a factory made tool for this purpose and occured to me I could make one out of parts I had.
Great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for checking it out.