Ride For National Beer Can Appreciation Day
I learned this past Thursday that it was National Beer Can Appreciation Day. It was a cold and windy day with the wind in the upper teens and the temp just below freezing. I used the holiday as my motivation to get out in the not-so-ideal weather and go for a ride. I decided to go pick out a canned beer with my choice based only on the can. Liquor stores here in town don’t have a big selection of singles so I went to one in the big city. Once there I locked up to the dead potted tree out front, removed my gloves and most importantly my face mask, then went inside. Scanning the shelves this monkey caught my attention and to my surprise and delight it was a chocolate coconut stout. I bought two.

I decided to wait to try the beer till Friday evening when Nova and I could enjoy it together.

It’s now Friday eve and we just finished it. It had a mild chocolate and coconut flavor with the coconut a little more prominent. Slightly sweet. We both thought it was really good.
Ha ha, love that Nova used a measuring glass to divvy up the beer!
Yeah I thought that was funny. With unequal amounts in our glasses from our first pour she couldn’t just do the side by side pour and she wanted to make sure one of us wasn’t short changed.