Aborted Handlebar Bag Project

I bought this (baby bottle?) bag a year or more ago at a thrift store thinking I might be able to convert it to a handlebar bag. I just now got around to doing it.

So without much thought or a plan I started poking holes in the bag. I bolted on a piece of web strap that I had found on the road. 

To keep the bolts from pulling through I put washers on the back side and a thin strip of metal covered in black duct tape on the inside. I would need to somehow cover the nuts and bolts so they wouldn’t rub on or rip anything.

Using velcro straps I had, I attached the bag to the handlebars which worked really well. 

Now I needed to come up with a way to attach something to the back bottom side of the bag so it could be strapped to the headtube to keep the bag from bouncing around. I really didn’t want to put any holes in the lower part of the bag should I decide to ever use it as a cooler.

Next problem I didn’t think through was that with the bag strapped directly to the handlebars in this manner there  was little room left for my hands on the flat part of the bars. I could try and space the bag out to make room but it was at this point I decided I didn’t want to put anymore effort in to it and have aborted this project.