Coffeeneuring Challenge 2018 – Coffee 6

- Location: Hedge row alongside gravel road.
- Date: 10-29-2018
- Coffee: Seattle’s Best – Portside Blend.
- Details: Ground the beans before I left home. Made Coffee outside with our new Stanley thermos/coffee press which I was made aware of by anniebikes. Coffee was good. I like this brand and blend mostly because it’s cheap.
- Miles: 10
- Bike: Tall bike.
I like how you did the chain like a tandem, rather than directly from the top crank to the rear cog. I like that stove too. Not the absolute lightest, but super convenient.
Thanks. I like it too. To be honest though I would have just run the chain direct (which I have on 2 others tall bikes I’ve made) but a stay interfered with the chainline so I tried this and it somewhat worked. Problem is there’s no way to adjust the chain tension and the chain is super tight. So far no issues though. Yeah stove is nice but gas canister is a little bulky but it does fit inside the pot. I did see they make smaller containers which is probably all I need and would save a little weight.