Coffeeneuring Challenge 2018 – Coffee 4
Thought I’d ride to a coffee house in a nearby town that I rarely ride to. Previous times I have ridden to this town it’s been the most direct route which has some 50mph, no shoulder, busy, 2 lane roads. Today I planned to take a different route to avoid some of these roads. It would add 2 miles to my ride (one way). Turned out the route I chose had a road closure so I had to detour which added another 2 miles.
At the coffee shop I ordered a cold brew which they didn’t have so I settled for an iced Americano instead.
After coffee I went to check out the towns newly opened park on the river. I then rode further to the casino for lunch. Hung out there for a bit and then returned home.
- Location: Park Grounds
- Date: 10-22-2018
- Coffee: Iced Americano with almond milk.
- Details: First visit to the place. It sits across the street from a park hence the name I assume. Seemed nice and coffee was pretty good. I drank most of it outside the store on a picnic table. The rest I finished off at the new park on the river.
- Miles: 29 or so ( I measured it out in Google maps)
- Bike: Diamondback gravel bike..

Park Grounds coffee house.