Coffeeneuring Challenge 2018
This will be my second attempt at completing the Coffeeneuring Challenge which is basically riding to somewhere to consume coffee (rules here). I participated last year but didn’t finish for some reason that I don’t recall and I’m too lazy to go back and look it up. Anyway here we go…
Coffee 1
- Location: C-store
- Date: 10-16-2018
- Coffee: Half something dark & half decaf with just a splash of the vanilla flavored faux creamer.
- Details: I sat and sipped outside the store in the chill air watching the patrons come and go.
- Miles: 3
- Bike: Schwinn American rat/klunker.

Looks like you did seven rides last year. As far as I can tell, you did it in 2017.
OK you made me look lol and yes I did complete it. I must have been thinking of last years Errandoneuring Challenge which I don’t think I completed. Thanks!