HOL exclusive – Colts Lose Before Break

By Donna & Amy White
The Haysville Times

Before the Campus Colts could count down to Christmas, they would have to check their “to do” list of opponents. With just two games left before the holiday break, Campus was looking to go into the break on a high note.

Continue reading “HOL exclusive – Colts Lose Before Break”

Bound for State Honor Band

By Patricia Barkley
The Haysville Times

One Haysville middle school student has recently received the honor of joining the South Central Kansas Music Educators State Honor Band. Amanda Jones, 13 years old, is an 8th grader at the Haysville Middle School and has been playing the clarinet since the 5th grade, when she was attending Rex Elementary. She started by playing her older sister’s clarinet. She had tried the piano but decided that it wasn’t the right instrument for her.
In order to join the State Honor Band, Jones first had to record several songs at school and send the recording to the band committee. She was the only student chosen from Haysville to participate in the Honor Band concert.
The songs played by the band will be chosen for them, but Jones’ favorite song to play is “Soul Bossanova,” from the “Austin Powers” movie. When she’s not playing music, she’s playing tennis, which she practices at with her mother. In fact, she was one of the Middle School’s Students of the Month this year. Jones also has a 4.0 GPA, and her favorite subject is math.
This is not Jones’ first time in the spotlight. For the last two years, she has played her clarinet in a Fine Arts program through her church, in which the group with the highest score goes on to the national competition in Indianapolis.
Jones says she is very excited about playing for the Honor Band, though. Next month, she will travel to Lawrence, KS, with her parents, to perform in a concert with the rest of the students from around the state who made it into the band. Congratulations, Amanda!

Haysville Heroism

By Cathy Loffland
The Haysville Times

Terry Bergen and Luther Holloway were working in a shop behind Bergen’s Aunt Barbara Chandler’s house. They decided to quit working around midnight and walked out of the shop and noticed more smoke coming out the house than just from the fireplace. Bergen and Holloway went in the house to make sure Bergen’s aunt was okay.
The living room was engulfed in flames. Bergen was the first one in the door to start looking for Bergen’s aunt, and they got seperated. Holloway went outside to call 911 and get help.
“We never even gave it a second thought that we were putting our lives at risk when we first went in the home,” said Holloway.
Holloway went back into the house and started looking for his friend and his friend’s aunt. He had to go back out a couple of time to get air.
Holloway headed to the back of the house and found Bergen lying on the floor and dragged him out of the house. Bergen was unconscious, and his skin was burnt off from the waist up. Bergen came to so he could tell his friend that he had found his aunt and had a hold of her until he collapsed.
The fire marshall calls this an act of heroism. “If anybody is the hero, Terry is the hero,” said Holloway.
Holloway feels bad because he was able to save his friend but could not save Chandler.
Bergen is in the Burn Unit at St. Francis Hospital. The doctors gave him a five percent chance to live, and Holloway says his friend is a fighter and will make it.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bergen and his family.

Cecil Dymond wins 3rd Straight Championship

Courtesy Photo

The first points champion from 81 Speedway is Cecil Dymond, your Junior
Hornet point’s champion. This is not Dymond’s first Championship win.
In his four years of racing he has won three championships. Dymond won
two in the youth hornet division and this year in junior hornet. Dymond
started racing when he was 12 years old and this was the first year
they started letting 12 year olds at 81 Speedway to race.
“Winning the points championship felt good up until the last race. I was friends with Amey Cohoon”, said Dymond.
states that he and the Cohoon family would all park together and would
help each other out as much as possible. The young racer contributes
his winning season to consistency and running every race. Dymond won 16
or 17 A Features. The last race of the season Dymond was going to run
with the regular Hornets because he already knew he had the points
championship wrapped up. The young driver hopes to be in the street
stock division next year providing his car is done. Car builder Dymond
is his brother Mike Dymond. Dymond would like to say thank you to Darlo
Shoes, Special T’s, his parents Ron & Sherry Dymond and his brother
Mike Dymond.
“Also anybody else that has helped me on my car, which does not include Warren Hardy,” said Dymond.
We would like to say congratulations to Cecil Dymond and good luck in the up coming season.


Cathy Loffland

The Haysville Times 

Rookie Modifed and Rookie of the Year

Nic Baalman is our Rookie Modified points champion and Rookie of the
Year. Baalman started racing Cage Karts when he was 12 years old. He
raced these until 2004. Then he went to 600 cc micros, which are mini
sprints. He raced these for two years, and he is 21 years old now.
Baalman worked at Pro Motor Sports and got to know Bobby Bills and
Kenny Sweet Jr. So on the last Wednesday night practice Kenny Sweet Jr.
asked Baalman to drive his car and see how he liked it.
“It felt
really good, and I was hooked from the get go. Me and my parents went
to Bobby Bills and asked him to build me a modified car,” said Baalman.

Baalman states that he knew he would be competitive, but he just
didn’t know how competitive we would actually be. “It was great winning
the championship the first year out,” said Baalman.
After winning
the championship the young driver has to move up to the regular
modified and is looking forward to it. Baalman actually has run with
the regular modifieds during the Wix Filter weekend and in Heartland
Park Topeka and Mayetta and felt like he was really competitive then.
Baalman is a part-time student at Butler County Community College
studying Business Management and Marketing. He also sells manufactured
housing for A-1 Homes of Augusta which was one of his sponsors. Sorry,
girls, Baalman has a girlfriend named Amanda Shelton, who had never
been to a race before she met Baalman but she now likes going to the
races and is very supportive.
“When I was running cage karts I
always dreamed of running the big cars and I just want to tell those
that have those dreams to keep with them,” said Baalman.
would like to say a special thank you to his parents Bev and Dennis
Baalman and his sister Mandy; they are all really supportive. Also a
thank you to A-1 Homes of Augusta, Pro Motor Sports, andBobby Bills of
Bills Built Race Cars. Baalman plans on staying in Dirt Track racing
for a while, and maybe someday a bigger form of racing. Congratulations
to Nic Baalman and good luck in the upcoming season.

By Cathy Loffland

Mystery at the Library

By Emily Davis
The Haysville Times

On November 3rd, and 4th the Haysville Friends of the Library will be putting on their annual Mystery Dinner Theater production. This will be the tenth year that they will be performing an original play to benefit the Haysville Library. The deadline to purchase tickets will be November 2nd. Admission prices will be $25 per couple or $15 for an individual. Children under 12 are $10. All proceeds will go toward the Friends of the Library fund which is supporting the bond issue on this years ballot about the library expansion. The production will take place at the Haysville United Methodist Church, 601 E. Grand. This will be the third year at this location.
This year’s play, “Spunky and the Haysville Gang!”, should be a great time and will be sure to entertain. Just think Little Rascals’ Our Gang with some Haysville warp. Spunky (played by Marion Renner) is the leader of a marble playing gang of kids and is accused of a crime. Is he guilty? What will happen? This is a true “who dun it“ that you won’t want to miss.
The eight person cast is filled with Haysville’s veterans to the stage. Renner works as a supervisor of the student teachers at Newman University. The play’s director is Joe Perkins, whose day job is that of a flight instructor. This is his first year directing but second year being in the play. He will make his stage appearance this year as the dog Lucky, the faithful friend to Mr. Clean played by Haysville Times’ own Ray Racobs. Racobs is a fourth year veteran to the stage. Joetta Branch who plays ragweed, is a fifth year veteran. When Branch isn’t pursuing the stage, she is a Noninvasive Cardiac Tech (a.k.a. EKG Tech) at Via Christi Medical Center. Zoe Burgess who plays Lilly is also a fifth year veteran. She works as an Executive Assistant with the Warren Theater Co. Anna Perkins, wife of Director Joe Perkins, is an Executive Assistant at Galaxy Audio and appears in the play as Mrs. Crow. Anna is one of the two first timers. Lyn Worrell is President of the Friends of the Library and is the other first timer to the stage. She will be playing the part of Darla Karla. Marion Renner, as Spunky, is the true veteran with ten years of directing and performing.
Tickets are on sale now at the Haysville Community Library.

Haysville Times Hometown Sweepstakes Winner!

By Staff
The Haysville Times

Lisa Hyde was the Grand Prize Winner of the First Annual Haysville Times Hometown Sweepstakes. She received $250 cash from Publisher CJ Cross and Circulation Manager/Sales Director Cathy Loffland on Wednesday morning. The three Runner-Up Winners were Lori Terrell, John Darbyshire, and Betty Hoppock. They each received $50. Congratulations! Look for another chance to win in next years Hometown

Campus Colt Injured on Football Field

By Cathy Loffland
The Haysville Times

Campus High School’s very own John Simons was injured during the varsity football game last Friday night against Maize.
Simons was on the bottom of a dog pile, and when everybody got up, Simons was not able to get up with them. He was rushed from Maize by ambulance to St. Francis Hospital.
At first, Simons could not feel anything from the neck down and had problems with memory.
Simons was kept in the hospital until Saturday evening. He is recovering at home and has feeling in his back, but he’s still having some problems with memory.
This is Simon’s second concussion this year and his seventh total.
Simon’s football career is over, and he will be missed on the Colt’s team.

Colts Volleyball Takes Regionals

By Donna & Amy White
The Haysville Times

While many Campus fans are expecting big things from the boys’ athletic programs this fall, the ladies have stayed below the radar. This has allowed the Lady Colts volleyball team to sneak in and steal the spotlight from their fellow Colts. And now the ladies are preparing to take State.
That’s right, the Lady Colts have had a stellar season this fall. Heading into their Sub-state bracket in Garden City last weekend, Campus held a 25-11 record. And most recently, the ladies won first place at Campus’ own tournament. They placed second at the Goddard tournament followed by a 3-0 stretch against Winfield, Ark City and Derby.
Campus has big goals heading into the post season. It has been ten years since Campus’ last appearance at state in 1996. And the last time the Lady Colts placed at state, Reagan was in office for his first term. But the battle is half won for the ladies. Last week’s travels earned the ladies a ticket to Topeka for State this weekend.
In Garden City last week, the Lady Colts battled for the chance to advance to state. Campus went two matches with Dodge City defeating them 25-19 and 25-20 to advance to the championship bracket. In the championship bracket, the ladies faced off against Wichita Northwest. The Lady Colts showed no signs of slowing down as they defeated Northwest 25-15 and 25-19 to win the Regional Championship.
This is all wonderful news for the ladies, but now comes the hard part. They must wait almost a week before they travel to Topeka this Friday. Campus is seeded number five. The Lady Colts will play three different teams to determine if they will move on the Saturday’s semi-final, consolation and championship matches.
The action starts bright and early for the ladies with a 9:30 am match against Maize followed directly by a match against number one seed Olathe-South. Later in the day, Campus will play Lawrence in their final match of the bracket. The results of those games will determine when the team will play on Saturday.
We would like to congratulate the Lady Colts volleyball team on an outstanding season and wish them the best of luck as they head to Topeka! Go girls!