Arrest made in Threat to Campus

By Kimberly Garrett
The Haysville Times

Fears were calmed in Haysville last night when news broke out that an arrest was made in connection with the threat of a school shooting on March 8.A 15 year old was taken into custody and taken to a juvenile intake and Assessment center. Haysville Police will be getting with District attorney’s office to see what charges can will be made on the criminal threat.“It makes me feel better, but worry if they got the right person or all of them” said Jayleene Garrett a freshmen.” See more on this story in next week’s issue of the Haysville Times.

Pennies for Patients

By Sara Loffland
The Haysville Times

Weve all heard of the word Cancer, and most of us have felt the havoc it wreaks on our lives. Many groups have been created to help patients deal with the tragedy that is cancer. One particular group has caught the interest of our very own USD 261 This group is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This society is having the “Pennies for Patients” fund raiser and the schools of Haysville are taking part in the contributions.

Campus and the Alternative High Schools will be raising money for the next three weeks. The fundraiser officially began last Monday and will end on March 16. Of course the students are being given a little incentive for donating but most of the donations come from the heart. Some of the prizes they will be receiving are; a pasta lunch for the classroom that donates the most money with the school that raises the most money getting a new 27″ TV.

Prizes arent the only incentive for the students, the truth of what these diseases do, is also what makes the students donate. Some facts about the cancers that this society is associated with are that Leukemia remains the leading cause of death in children and young adults under the age of 20, a five-year survival rate for non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has risen from 47% to 60%, and blood-related cancers will strike up to 114,530 kids which is every five minutes. Plus, every 10 minutes someone dies from a blood related cancer. All these facts have touched the hearts of the students in USD 261, and now they will raise money so that the survival rate can hopefully keep going up. Keep reading the Haysville Times every week for further updates.

Campus Hall of Fame Inductees

By Jeff Davis
The Haysville Times

On February 9th, during half time of the Colts basketball game, the induction ceremony for the Haysville Campus High School Hall of Fame, Class of 2007 took place. Those named to the CHS Hall of fame for 2007 were Phil Bolin, Jim Hartman, and Steve Clanton.

Mr. Bolin excelled in baseball, basketball, football and track while at Campus from 1961 to 1963. He was a member of the 1962 Regional and State Champion Medley Relay Team and placed first at the Ark Valley League meet in the 440 yard run. In football, Mr. Bolin was named All-City in 1962 and 1963, and was an All-State Fullback in 1963. In addition, he was named All-City in Basketball for 1963. Mr. Bolin’s efforts helped to set the standard of excellence for future athletes at Haysville Campus High School. Bolin’s plaque was presented to him by his friend and current Campus Cross Country coach, Mr. Rick Curless.

Mr. Hartman was an outstanding athlete at Haysville Campus from 1973 to 1977 excelling in baseball, basketball and football. He was a member of the 1977 Ark Valley League and Regional Baseball Championship Team. In 1976, he was named Second Team All-Ark Valley League at Second Base. In 1977, he switched sides of the field and was named First Team All-Ark Valley League Short Stop. The 1976 football season brought more honors, Mr. Hartman was named First Team All-Ark Valley League Defensive Back and Second Team All-State Defensive Back during his senior season. Hartman’s plaque was presented by his mother Mrs. Connie Hartman.

Mr. Clanton was a teacher, coach and, in later years, athletic administrator at Campus for 30 years. His coaching duties over the years included Girls Basketball, Head and Assistant Boys Basketball for 9 years, Assistant Football for 17 years and Head Boys Baseball for 2 years. His efforts as leader of the Girls Basketball team from 1977 to 1984 were most notable as he led the Lady Colts to the State Tournament in 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1984, with 4th Place finishes in 1982 and 1983. He was named Ark Valley League Girls Coach of the Year in 1982 and his 1983 team accomplished a 20 win season and were Ark Valley Champions. In his overall career with Lady Colt Basketball, he had 105 wins and 50 losses. Clanton’s plaque was presented to him by Mr. Myron Regier, a former colleague and current Campus Principal.

Those who made up the selection committee for the Haysville Campus High School Athletic/Activities Hall of Fame were Mr. Todd Bush, Mr. Ivan Chrisman, Mr. Brett Clark, Mr. Roger Emberson, Mr. Pat Lemons, Mrs. Debbie Opheim, Mr. Kevin McMullin, Mr. Dick Palmer, Dr. Del Rey, and Mr. Mike Rogers.

Campus Scare

By Kimberly Garrett
The Haysville Times

Parents who have children attending Campus High School received the notice, printed below, on Wednesday, nearly a week after the school had received a threatening note on February 23. According to a tip, called into the Haysville Times by a parent of a CHS student, the school had not notified parents of the threat because of the purported difficulty in reaching all of the parents. Letters were finally sent out after the media had been made aware of the situation.

“We take a chance with our students every time we send them to the school” said Wanda Dunn a parent of a sophomore. According to students, school officials are telling them that they should still come to school. “I’m scared, we don’t know when it’s going to happen, our school is open and easy to get around”, said Jackie Loffland a Junior. Sandy Bradshaw Community Relations Coordinator for the district, has said that extra security is being looked into at this time.

Dr. Schneider Back In Court

By Cathy Loffland
The Haysville Times

Dr. Stephen Schneider, whose medical clinic is located on south Broadway in Haysville, is back in the news. Schneider is facing multiple allegations of medical malpractice. It was February of 2004 when Schneider’s clinic first came under scrutiny from the Federal Government due to more than one complaint of malpractice allegedly involving the over prescription of medications to his patients.
Larry Wall, the lawyer for the plaintiff’s in the Schneider cases, appeared in court on Tuesday to ask a judge to allow the ten lawsuits, pending against Dr. Schneider, to be consolidated into a single case. In the ten cases pending against Schneider, there are seven wrongful deaths and three serious injury suits.

When questioned about the reason for the consolidation request, Wall explained that if these cases go to trial separately they would be equal to a quarter of all civil trials that Sedgwick County handled last year. Another concern for those prosecuting the cases, as explained by Wall, is that “we have board certified Doctors willing to testify on these cases but that do not want to travel to Wichita ten different times.”

Chris Cole, who is one of the defendant’s attorneys, and who spoke on behalf of Dr. Schneider, explained that each case is different. “There is not one uniform standard of care for all the patients,” said Cole.“ “If we were to consolidate these cases we could not expect the jury to keep all the information given to them separate if the trial were to last three or four months or longer.”

After hearing both sides the judge ruled in favor of the defense. “The plaintiffs counsel made an interesting argument” said Judge Friedel, but felt there was potential for too many differences in each case to allow for them to be consolidated.

The earliest case is set to go to trial in October of this year with several of the other cases set to go to trial in 2008 and 2009.

According to Schneider has listed as for sale, both his practice and the property upon which the practice is situated. The asking price for the property is reportedly 2.3 million, with the asking price for the practice at five million.

New Menu

As youve probably noticed by now weve installed a new menu on HOL to resolve compatibilty problems we were having with the old one. This new menu requires you to actually click on the category of choice. A sub menu should then appear below the main menu where you will choose the page youd like to view.
If you have any problems with this new menu let me know.
Im not for sure if this will become the permanent menu or not. Ill wait to see what kind of feed back I get.