Campus Will Never Be The Same

Campus has had some changes, additions and renovations through it’s history but nothing compares to the latest.
From the USD 261 website “Campus High School began construction in October, 2006 on major renovations including halls between buidlings (sic)”.
Should the name of the high school now be changed? I believe the school got it’s name from it’s “campus” like layout which meant having to walk “out of doors” from building to building.

The centerpiece of Campus, the cafeteria, will also vanish along with the fresh air walks between classes.

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Is Haysville Really The Ideal Home Community?

1974 photo

Is Haysville The Ideal Home Community? Not according to Money Magazine. Your opinion may differ. If given a choice I would rather live here then visit. No smog or traffic jams and we’re close to the Turnpike so nice places to visit are just a handful of change away. As for being compared to Derby which seems to happen a lot… We are no fatter then Derbyites (is that what their called?) and we are younger so we’ve got that going for us.
See how Haysville compares to nearby cities and the top 10 best places to live Money Magazine’s Best Places To Live

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