2008 Fall Fest Parade Photos

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Haysville Has Another Choice In TV Service

In addition to cable, satellite and antenna, Haysville now has another option when it comes to TV service. AT&T is offering a new product called U-verse which provides the digital services of Phone, Hi Speed Internet and Television all over the existing phone line. A source with the company said that since the service first became available in August the demand for it in Haysville has been really high.
To learn more about this new service you can visit the companys website.

Haysville Fall Festival Horseshoe Pitch at Riggs Park

Anyone can participate regardless of their skill level. Bring your horseshoes and join in the fun.

Date: Oct. 18 (Saturday)
Time: Registration at noon
Start: 1 p.m.
Where: Riggs Park (north end) just north of the car show.
Fee: $10 per player.
Bring your own horseshoes.
Rain Out Date: Oct. 19 (Sunday at same time).
Awards: Cash prizes.