Tornado Season Near If Not Already Here

99 tornado damage. photo by Kent V

Last night we heard the tornado warning sirens for what I believe was the first time this year excluding the Monday noon tests. Tornado season is approaching as is the 10th anniversary of the May 3rd tornado that devastated Haysville.
Our town has changed a lot in the past 10 years due in large part to the 1999 tornado. Visitors to Haysville would never know the destruction that was done but residents will never forget it.

Remembering the 1999 tornado…
Share your memories of that fateful night in May and the weeks that followed. Join in on the discussion of the 1999 Haysville tornado. has has a video interview and slide show with former Mayor Tim Norton remembering that historic evening.
View HOLs tornado photo gallery.

Tornado safety…
View the National Weather Service Preparedness Guide (requires Adobe Acrobat reader).

Primary Election Results

Please join in on election discussions with the Candidates here.

Last updated 03/06/2009 11:09 AM


Sandra Bradshaw …… 147 / 16%
Steven G. Crum …… 181 / 20%
George F. (Joe) Edwards II …… 50 / 5%
Pamela Grether …… 20 / 2%
Kenneth Hampton …… 312 / 34%
Bob Rardin …… 50 / 5%
Rob Wilkerson …… 124 / 13%
Marcus Wiseman …… 8 / 0%

Kenneth Hampton, Steven G. Crum and Sandra Bradshaw will move on to the general election.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all for their willingness to serve their community.

If Ed B Were Elected Mayor

Please note: this and all other editorials on this site may not necessarily reflect the views of

All this election discussion got me to thinking what I might do if I were to become Mayor. Just like other Mayoral candidates I would place a priority on both how money is spent and new business in Haysville. But before we build new buildings for retail, commercial and civic use it makes more sense to me to fill the existing empty buildings first. In addition to reusing existing buildings there are other money saving ideas in my plan which are emphasized in italics. Continue reading to see my suggestions as to what could be done with some of these vacant buildings. Click the images to enlarge.

Reopen Pam’s Diner as the Spam Diner. Only one letter would need to be moved on the sign. This would give us bragging rights over Derby as it’s something they don’t already have. It would even draw business from Derby as I’m sure there are plenty of Derby residents craving a good Spamwich or Spam boat. Especially in the future when Derby outlaws Spam within it’s city limits.

Schneider Clinic for obvious reasons could become the Mexican Restaurant Haysville is missing. This would require new signage to read El Viejo Píldora Molino Restaurante but other than that the exterior of the building would need no other changes. This new restaurant would be known for it’s large waiting room so you’re not standing, waiting outside on a busy Friday or Saturday night. Not for sure if the rest of the interior would need any changes though.

The School district could purchase another strip mall. This time instead of an old money pit that requires a lot of work I suggest the new one on North Main. The purpose of this school would be to educate students who for what ever reason can’t learn in any of the other 3 schools Campus, Alternative and Tri City. An alternative alternative school.

The old Norland Plastics building looks to be pretty big so I think for only the cost of a few thousand folding chairs it might work well as a arena/concert hall/convention center. It could catch the spill over from Century II, Charles Koch Arena, the Coliseum and the new Intrust Bank and Hartman arenas. Plus it’s just a mile off the Turnpike and right next to the train tracks should Amtrack ever decide to make Haysville a stop. Parking might be an issue but that could be dealt with after the fact.

I think Haysville has outgrown it’s little Post Office. Instead of a expensive nice new one like so many other smaller communities get I propose we divide the town by East and West of the tracks each side with it’s own Post Office. The old City Hall/Senior Center building would work great for a new East side branch. It’s already brick, bland and boring so no changes needed. With the railroad over pass now in place there shouldn’t be any major delays in East-West mail traffic.

The old Sonic building. I would wait for this building to either fall down on it’s own or be taken out by a tornado thus saving the cost of tearing it down. Then we would construct a new replica building around the surviving deep fryer and designate it a historical park. Fast food workers could meet here occasionally to hone their deep frying skills.

Looking towards the future. At some point in time another nice building will become vacant when the next new library is built. I believe there are lots of possibilities for the future old library building.
With a big addition built on to it, another church.
After the recession I think there will once again be a need for more tanning salons and video rental stores. Possibly a combination of the two in the building.
Although long time Haysville residents have already “been there and done that” the building could be remodeled into a roller rink or bowling alley for those who haven’t.

2009 Elections

Please join in on election discussions with the Candidates here.

Exciting times !
Every Ward in Haysville has at least two candidates for their respective Council seat.
The Mayoral position has 8 !
A primary will be held to whittle the candidates for Council down to two for each ward.
The candidate list for Mayor will be narrowed down to 3 during the same primary.
The April election will then feature two Council choices for each ward….and three choices for Mayor.
The Primary Election will be March 3rd.
The General election will be April 7th.

Please participate.

Check out  to view our choices.
Originally posted in the Councilmans Corner by KAP.

The Haysville Beaver

After hearing the stories of this furry creature I decided I had to see him for myself. After many long days and nights in the cold and wind, stalking him, at times even if he were to appear, my finger to cold to push the shutter button of the camera. Today my persistence pays off. No longer just a legend or myth. I introduce to you “The Haysville Beaver”.

Find out more about beavers in Kansas at the Great Plains Nature Center website