Gazebo Raising

From the Haysville Community Library blog…

The Haysville Friends of the Library, Haysville Pride, and the local Veterans of Foreign Wars, among others, have volunteered their time and energy to meet between 8:30 and 9:00 AM on Saturday morning for our own contemporary interpretation of an old-fashioned barn-raising. Others are encouraged to volunteer, and every hand will be welcome – and fed a hot lunch. With good luck, and your help, we’ll finish by early afternoon.

More info here.

HOL’s 10th Anniversary

As of the 10th of this month HOL has been online for 10 years. I meant to celebrate with contests and prizes just like the old days but was busy with real life things and forgot.

So what were you doing 10 years ago?
How long have you been visiting HOL?
Post your comments below.

Visit the HOL Scrap Book for a little history on HOL.

View message board posts from the beginning here.
View prizes weve given away over the years here.