Two men in Haysville arrested after calling in false reports to police


Two men in Haysville filing false reports tied up the work of a number of law enforcement officers and forced the lockdown of several Haysville schools before police tracked them down through their cellphone calls to 911.

The callers were claiming they were victims of sexual abuse. There was nothing to that, Haysville police say.

Read more here.

Nelson Elementary Students/Staff Walk To School

Nelson Elementary School Principal Mike Mitchener (center of photo) stands at the crosswalk on Grand
Avenue near Delos Street with his students on Wednesday, October 5 in celebration of International Walk
To School Day. Staff and students all around Haysville USD 261 took a little extra time to participate in
the event. Communities around the country are using the walk or bike to school as the first step to change
community culture and create environments that are more inviting for everyone, young and old alike.

(USD 261 Photo)

Rex Pride Park Restoration

Prudential Dinning-Beard, Realtors were at Rex Elementary School bright and early on October 3 helping the school’s fifth grade students restore Rex Pride Park located on the East side of the school. For the third year, students and Prudential employees prepared the area, planted flowers and bushes, pulled weeds, and distributed mulch. They also finished painting fitness games on the blacktop that the students use during recess. The Rex Pride Park project is organized by Rex Elementary’s Communities In School Coordinator Shaye Ferguson. Thanks to all the donors and volunteers that make this project a success.

Angie George from Prudential and Rex student Wakeen Gonzales add a new coat of paint to one of the school’s picnic tables.

Rex student Cameron Huckleberry lends a helping hand to Prudential’s Lucy Peintner and Ron Ford with landscaping chores.

(USD 261 Photos)