It’s time to check out HAC Activities

The Haysville Times
By Patricia Barkley

Everyone is gearing up for spring, and some people have already started celebrating it. The Haysville Activity Center has already begun some of its spring events, and they’re making plans for the summer right now. The registration deadline for Spring Dance Classes has already passed, but there are other things still available. There are some brand new things getting started this year, and a lot of old favorites are back again. There’s nothing like a day of sun to get people into a good workout and some good fun. The HAC has increased the variety of activities for its patrons. There’s plenty of equipment available inside, as well, for both cardiovascular and strength training. Fitness orientation, blood pressure checks, one-on-one fitness consultations, and body composition testing can help get you started. The Fit 4 Life Challenge provides a fun way to get into shape by going to the HAC twice a week and sharing favorite healthy recipes with fellow Fit 4 Lifers. Cardio Step classes are held to take your workout to the next level. Continue reading “Its time to check out HAC Activities”

Library Fails, Newcomers Win

The Haysville Times – April 9, 2004 – 11:59 AM
By Angie Gumm
Monday will mark a lot of new beginnings for Haysville: four new members will take their seats on the council, and the City will have to begin reconstructing its plans for the Historic District.
“I hope we survive,” said Tom Gibson, of the newly elected council. “The big challenge will be the learning curve for the number of new people on the council.”
Gibson, who defeated Scott Norton to win his spot, has had previous council experience, last serving in 2001.
Other newcomers to the bench are Keith Pierce, who beat Kee Claar in a tight race; Mitch Lindsay who beat out DeAnn Konkel for her Ward II seat; and Ken Hampton, who defeated Ward IV incumbent Phil Harris.
Gibson said he feels a lot of people who criticize the council are “Monday morning quarterbacks…not being there, they don’t know the whole picture.”
“The first couple of months will be hard on everybody,” he said. “We were hired to represent the whole group. Not anyone individual or group but make decisions for the whole community,” said Gibson. “I hope they keep patient and pull through.”
Ward II’s Steve Crum, who had no challenger on the ballot, was the only incumbent running who was re-elected.
A last minute write-in campaign for Preston Pannell, however, turned out to be a major challenge to the candidate. Pannell received 121 of the 280 votes cast for the Ward III position.
Pannell was surprised at the amount of support he got, because he only announced his write-in campaign in a letter to the editor and in an ad in last Friday’s Haysville Times.
“It shows that people are ready for change,” said Pannell, who intends to run again in the future.
Residents weren’t ready for a change in taxes though. The bond issue for the Haysville Community Library failed by 244 votes.
Marion Renner, who helped man the voting location at the HAC, noted that the turnout seemed “a lot busier” than past elections, she attributed that in-part to the library issue.
“We were happy with the large turnout,” said Library Assistant Norma Johnson. “The library is disappointed the bond didn’t pass, but we’re not giving up. It was just bad timing, there’s just lot going on in Haysville right now.”
Johnson noted that many bond issues fail the first time out, and the library is keeping its options open for the future.

Updated Election Results

The Haysville Times
By Haysville Times

Here are the updated unofficial results from the Haysville election:

Ward I:
Keith Pierce 136
Kee Claar 120

Ward II:
Mitch Lindsay 168
DeAnn Konkel 105

Ward III:
Steve Crum 159
Write-in 121

Ward IV:
Ken Hampton 197
Phil Harris 112

Ward IV:
Tom Gibson 145
Scott Norton 119

Library Vote:
No: 687
Yes: 443

Should the city look into having one trash hauler?
Yes: 613

Go-Cart Track Shuts Down

The Haysville Times
By Angie Gumm

Haysville’s Go-Cart Track and Miniature Golf Course has closed its doors to the public after an accident on Monday.
A 13-year-old girl drove a go-cart into a parked RV at the Broadway-based business.
An ambulance came to take the girl to the hospital, where she received stitches.
The girl’s aunt said her niece cut her leg to the bone. She also said the girl was driving the go-cart without wearing a helmet or having a signed parental consent form.
This was the second time the girl had driven at the park but her first time on their bigger track. The girl’s parents knew she was going go-carting.
The owners of the business blamed the accident on the child’s driving and said that the go-carts and both tracks are safe. “She drove straight into [the RV] and made no attempt to brake,” said one of the owners.
The business opened last October, and this was its first accident. The owners said the go-cart tracks and the mini-golf course would only be for private use from now on.

District Vision includes change, growth

The Haysville Times
By Patricia Barkley

Many families move to the city of Haysville in order to make sure their children can attend schools in U.S.D. 261. As the citys population grows, the district must grow in order to accommodate larger enrollment numbers.

Therefore, growth and change are the themes of the districts future plans. All schools and administrative staff are focusing on improving their services to the community and giving students every opportunity to learn everything they possibly can in the classroom. This ties in with the current work being done on a new five-year Strategic Plan for the entire district.
Continue reading “District Vision includes change, growth”

Haysville Changes Voting Locations

The Haysville Times
By Angie Gumm

Haysville citizens will soon have the opportunity to vote for their next councilmember and on the library bond issue, but residents of two wards will be voting at new places this year.

“We moved Ward I, because we were getting complaints about the parking at the library, and also because there was a bond issue about the library and we thought that would be a conflict of interest,” said Terri Howard of the Election Commissioner’s office. The voting booth for Ward I has been moved to the Haysville Christian Church.

“In Ward III, people on the west side [of the railroad construction] would have to go a long way out of their way to vote,” said Howard. So Ward III residents on the west side of the tracks will also vote at the Haysville Christian Church.

Ward III residents on the east side of the construction will vote at the Haysville Activity Center, as will residents of Ward II.

Voters in Ward IV will case their ballots at the First Christian Church.

The Ward I primary will be held on March 2 from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Any registered voter in Sedgwick County can vote before the election. For more information call the Sedgwick County Election Office at 660-7114 or visit . Early voting will continue until noon, on
March 1.