Two Local Girls Bring Home Titles From State Pageant
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The National American Miss Pageant was held in Overland Park, Kansas this last week. Two girls from Haysville, Kansas were among the select few at the pageant to come home with State Titles. Teighlor Light, daughter of Eddie and Jenifer Light received a standing ovation after her spectacular performance of the Star Spangled Banner during the Talent portion of the Pageant. Teighlor’s star studded performance won her the title of Miss Kansas Pre-Teen Talent Winner for 2004. This title brought with it a very nice cash prize along with her carrying the Talent Title for the entire year. She already has a scheduled appearance at the Haysville Fall Festival where she has been asked to participate in the Festival Parade and she has also been asked to perform a 30 minute singing number along with performing the all famous Star Spangled Banner. This is not the end, there are various opportunities for her to perform throughout this entire year and hopefully this prestigious award and adventure will take her to places she has always dreamed, so watch out Christina and Britney here comes Teighlor!
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