Blue Birds In Daily Reporter

Date: Friday, February 11. 1972
Caption: “BLUE BIRDS… A mother-daughter tea was held in the hospitality room in the Haysville Sate Bank Thursday afternoon featuring the Golden Sunshine Bluebirds. Shown above left (first two names missing) Cheryl Willoughby, Stacey Barley, Carolyn Poore, Susan Bjostad, Kim Peacock and Kim George. Leader of the troop are Mrs, Albert Willoughby and Mrs. Janice Poore.”

Ruby Tuesdays Fire

1976 newspaper article.
Article reads…

An early morning fire caused &75,000 worth of damage to Ruby Tuesday’s, a night club in the Wichita suburb of Haysville.
Gary Nichols, Sedgwick County police chief, said evidence indicated arson was the cause of the fire.
There were signs of forced entry and wires to the smoke detector were cut. Nichols said the fire department discovered the fire when smoke detectors in an adjacent building alerted them. Nichols said.
Nichols said his department is still trying to determine what was used to start the fire.
no one was injured in the blaze.

Anyone recall where Ruby Tuesdays was located? I assume it was on South Broadway.