Haysville’s New Flag

From the City of Haysville…

When Haysville announced the flag contest, there was one rule: The already existing “Flying H” logo had to be included in the design. The “flying H” was the product of a logo contest held in 2004 by Haysville PRIDE. Its designer was Haysville resident Derek Bennett, who went on to a career in graphic design, winning two Kansas Press Association awards and a Wichita Eagle Award of Excellence.
The two stems of the letter H have come to represent the two major tornados that affected Haysville in the 90’s. The first, most typically known as the Andover tornado, did its fair share of damage along Haysville’s northern border in April of 1991. The second, more widely remembered tornado occurred on May 3rd 1999, leaving the town in ruins, and is represented by the longer of the two stems.
A shooting star serves as the crossbar of the H, indicating Haysville’s fighting spirit. The path of the star represents our history, and moves beyond the two tornados to the future ahead. Haysville’s people are represented by the star. These symbols combine to make our Flying H.
In a letter submitted with the winning design for the flag contest, local artist Dana DeCicco explained that the shooting star’s trajectory was extended beyond the star itself to represents Haysville’s hike and bike trails. The color block on the lower portion of the flag represents Haysville’s abundant open spaces, particularly in our park system. The color block across the upper portion represents the wide open Kansas skies above us.

Haysville Mayors

Fred G. Stearns
July 1951 to April 1955

John F. Tobin
April 1955 to December 1955

Ross H. Green
December 1955 to April 1957

John W. Trout, Jr.
April 1957 to October 1960

Marvin Huddleston
November 1960 to April 1967

Fred Ryan
April 1967 to April 1968

Paul Evans
May 1968 to April 1975

Bob Schock
April 1975 to April 1977

Marvin Huddleston
April 1977 to April 1979

Glenn O. Crum
April 1979 to April 1985

Marvin Huddleston
April 1985 to April 1993

Tom Lindsay
April 1993 to October 1996

Tim Norton
November 1996 to December 2000

Bruce Armstrong
December 2000 –

Ken Hampton
April 2009 – April 2013

Bruce Armstrong
April 2013 –