1966 Yellow Pages “Haysville” business listings.

Mann’s Pharmacy was located at 415 E Grand, Haysville KS around 1959. James E. Mann was the registered druggist.
This info was obtained from a 1959 calendar I spotted on E-bay.
Keywords: mann pharmacy drug haysville kansas 67060

Keywords: haysviille kansas ks 67060 usd 261 green meadows cook book

Matchbook from Hoffman Amoco 345 N Main, Haysville, Kansas.
Keywords: haysville kansas ks 67060 usd216 garage gas station standard oil amoco hoffman matches matchbook history
Pams Diner was located at 322 N Main, Haysville, KS.
Photo circa 2008.
2006 ad in the Haysville Times newspaper.

Roc-An-Jo’s Pizza House located at 1415 E Grand, Haysville, KS. Owned and operated by Donna and Gary Bauman. Year unknown.
Scan courtesy of Cathy Hurley.
Keywords: haysville kansas 67060 restaurant

Vickers Service Station Ad. Vickers was located at 140 N. Main in Haysville, KS.
Scan courtesy of Cathy Hurley.
Scan courtesy of Cathy Hurley.
Keywords: haysville kansas ks 67060 usd 261 history gaqs vickers service station seneca main
Bicycle Shop open from 1979 or 80 to 1986.
I believe it was located on the S/W corner of Delos and Grand.
Grocery store at 325 N. Main in Hillcrest Plaza shopping center.

Ad from 1980 Haysville map.
Fast food restaurant at 418 W. Grand.
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