Haysville Ranks 4th Best Place To Retire In Kansas

According to Movoto

If you are at that stage in your life where you are finally ready to leave the workforce behind and retire, well, congratulations. You’ve worked hard, perhaps for your whole life, and now that it’s time to retire, that’s exactly what you’ll have plenty of: time. Time to travel, to take up that hobby you always wanted to, or perhaps just kick back and relax with a book. With all of these options available to you now, there is one question left unanswered: Where is the best place to do it?

The Movoto Real Estate Blog has been on a mission to answer that question. Today, we’re looking at you, Kansas. Here are the 10 best places in the Sunflower State to retire to, starting with our winner, Pittsburg.

1. City of Pittsburg
2. City of Newton
3. Arkansas City
4. City of Haysville
5. El Dorado City
5. City of Wichita
7. City of Leawood
8. City of Derby
8. City of Parsons
10. City of Overland Park

Kansas locals can probably see that these results are as varied as can be; but for retirees, there are a few commonalities that all of these places share.

Click here to find out the method behind this list, plus just why each of these 10 places ranked so well.

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