Racing: A Wife’s Perspective

You’ve read about the drivers on the track. Have you ever wondered about the drivers’ wives?
is a little insight on what a wife goes through, or at least one wife:
me. As the wife of a new driver, it hasn’t been that easy for me. I’ve
learned a lot in the last few months, and I’m still learning.
One lesson I learned really quick was not to get behind the car when there are just two people getting it off of the trailer.
me tell you how I learned that lesson. Jerry and I were at the track on
a Sunday afternoon for practice, and we were getting ready to take the
car off the trailer. Now mind you, I had helped get the car off the
trailer several times in the past. I’d always been on the back end of
the car, and nobody ever told me not to get behind it. So we started
backing the car off the trailer, and my foot got caught on something.
The next thing I knew, I’m yelling at Jerry to stop, and I end up
underneath the car. But I crawled out and was just fine, except for a
few bruises and having to spend a little time going to the chiropractor.
So now I don’t get behind the car when we are unloading it!
will never forget the first race of the season. Jerry was in the A
Feature on the front stretch on a caution flag. Then all of a sudden he
got hit from the back and spins completely around. I was standing
there, and all I could do was scream.
I can’t speak for the other
wives, but I know I get scared every time Jerry goes off the track or
other drivers get too close to him. Sometimes I wish you could put a
bubble around the car, and then he would be safe inside the bubble.
I’m really proud of Jerry and how well he is doing for a new driver. He
is in 18th place in points right now. I’m always on the wall cheering
him on.
Well, that is enough for this week. Keep reading to learn
about what other things happen or how other wives deal with their
husbands’ racing.
If you are a wife or girlfriend of a racer and
have a funny story or something you want to share, let me know by
e-mailing me at


Cathy Loffland

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