Four Local Girls On Their Way To Compete For State Title

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Four Haysville girls have been selected as State Finalists in the National American Miss Pageant. Madison Light will be competing for the Jr. Teen Kansas Title, Teighlor Light will be competing for the Pre-Teen Kansas Title, Chandler Light will be competing for the Princess Kansas Title, and Alexandria VanSickle will be competing for the Jr. Pre-Teen Kansas Title. One of the remarkable things is that all three sisters of the Light household made it to the State Finals. All four girls have an opportunity to represent the state of Kansas since they are competing in separate categories and are attending the Pageant representing our hometown of Haysville Kansas.

This pageant is not your typical “Beauty Pageant” the girls were not selected based on their outer appearance, rather they were selected as State Finalists based on their academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvement and achievements. All four girls are straight “A” students and excel in numerous subject areas academically. Madison has been/currently involved in volleyball, track, and softball now for many years. Teighlor excels in singing and is one of the youngest members of one of the most prestigious Vocal Choirs in the state. Chandler excels in all subject areas and is involved in a variety of activities. Alexandria has been s Continue reading “Four Local Girls On Their Way To Compete For State Title”

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