Mayor Uses Veto to Stop De-Annexation

The Haysville Times
By Angie Gumm
Just when it seemed like Haysville’s annexation battle was over, Bruce Armstrong, for the first time in his mayoral career, used his power of veto to overturn the will of the Council.
“As Mayor, I am charged with considering the effects Ordinances have on the total city, as is the Council in considering this ordinance,” Armstrong wrote in a letter sent to the Council last Friday. “…it is my opinion that the public will suffer loss and the future growth of Haysville will be jeopardized if this Ordinance is enacted.”
The Mayor was referring to Ordinance No. 880 passed on July 15, which vacated the land of the 17 families who were unilaterally annexed in October of 2003.
Since October the families have continually protested the annexation through various methods, including using an attorney and working with state officials to change the Kansas law allowing unilateral annexation.
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