Series of Car Thefts Affect Haysville

The Haysville Times
By CJ Cross

During the week of September 12, four vehicles were broken into. Three of them belonged to Bruce Bliss of Shira in Southhampton Estates.
The damage to his vehicles included broken glass, broken locks, and stolen stereos. The last vehicle broken into was said to have an alarm that scared the thieves off, and they then ran to their gold compact vehicle, according to neighbors, who said they had seen the getaway car when they were awakened at 3 a.m. by the car alarm.
The fourth vehicle that was broken into the same week was a 1995 Grand AM and was owned by one of the employees of Klassy Kuts. The car was sitting in front of her home in Haysville at the time. She stated that the dash was torn up, and the door locks and windows were all broken.
There were no witnesses in the area this time. Also there are no leads currently, other than the description of the getaway vehicle from Bliss’ neighbors. It is a small, golden-colored, compact car.
At last contact, the Haysville Police Department was looking into the thefts to see if they had been reported and how the problem can be resolved.
Bruce Bliss did comment that due to gas prices, police officers are only allowed to put 50 miles on their cars per shift before they are required to park them. He will be attending the next Council meeting to investigate this further and to discuss with the Council whether this is a good way to maintain the safety of our properties and families.

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