Wilkinson Resigns

By Patricia Barkley
The Haysville Times

There was a big change for the Haysville Activity Center during the transition from 2005 to 2006. On December 31, 2005, HAC Director, and head of the City’s Recreation Department, Wendy Wilkinson left her job with the City to pursue a different career.
Wilkinson had been with the City for seven years, since shortly before the HAC opened up. Her replacement, Georgie Root, was hired shortly after that.
On December 29, at the City Council’s last meeting of the year, Wilkinson was presented with a service plaque in honor of her years with the City. She had already been preparing Root to take over the position of Recreation Director.
“We expect it to be a smooth transition,” said Carol Neugent, director of governmental services for the City.
Root agrees, although she admits that her new position does involve “more responsibilities, different responsibilities.” For now, the HAC will be one staff member short, but Root says they will probably not consider anyone new for a few months.
In the meantime, Wilkinson has moved on to a career in real estate and property management. She is now selling houses in the Haysville area and managing rental properties.
“I was ready for some new challenges and new adventures,” said Wilkinson. “It was time.”
Wilkinson will be working on growing her new business but says she will be “more than happy to help” if Root needs any more advice or assistance while she’s getting the hang of her new job. Wilkinson thinks Root will do fine, though, and she still has interest in what happens with the Recreation Department, including her hope that the City will build a new HAC.
“It was an experience, helping to bring the Recreation Department from nothing to where it is today,” she said.

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