Get Your Motto Ready!

By Angie Gumm
The Haysville Times

Calling all creative people! Haysville Pride has a chance for you to express yourself and make a nice pile of cash.
Following the advice a community assessor offered Haysville about a year and a half ago, the City has decided to get itself a motto.
Haysville Pride is spearheading the search for the new slogan, and everyone is welcome to participate. “I would encourage all levels, all areas, all representative to enter the contest,” said Paige Crum, of Pride.
Once all entries are received, Pride will take them to a professional design and marketing team at Newman University, who will narrow the choices down to three.
Pride will vote for the winning entry, and the winner will receive a check for $200 at a City Council meeting.
Crum pointed out that while Haysville used to be known as the Peach Capital of the World, it hasn’t had a motto since then. The assessor recommended Haysville go with a western image, and Commissioner Tim Norton said that the city should tout its image as a “bedroom community.”
Pride, though, is open to any ideas. “There are no preconceived notions, except that it should be positive” said Crum, who said that everyone who enters should focus on what makes them proud about Haysville. “Certainly I know what I am personally proud of, but I could be the only one in Haysville. You could pick anything. We could have ‘The Best Sonic in the World,’ for example.”
The motto should be a brief phrase that could be used for the community and marketing purposes “in the spirit of establishing a proud image for Haysville.”
Entries are due by April 30. The contest is open to anyone, and entries must be sent on hard copy and on a floppy disk to Haysville Pride, PO Box 53, Haysville, KS 67060. Call Tom Gibson at 524-7636 for more information.

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