Second Garden Tour Ready for June

By Tricia Stithem
The Haysville Times

The City of Haysville began their garden tours one year ago thanks to the thoughtfulness of Phil and Nancy Harris, Bill Youngers, Pat Maechtlen, Tim Norton, Linda Wilkerson, and Joyce Jackson. Bill Youngers is the chairman but states that Phil and Nancy Harris, had the idea and the spark for putting it together. Bill says, “I work in the industry, and Phil asked for my assistance in organizing a tour for the public, as he was aware of several nice gardens in Haysville. We wanted to establish something to be proud of in our community and to beautify our city. As a community, we did feel left out, as surrounding areas all have their gardening events and tours. These are all non-professionals and do it yourself-ers establishing something to be proud of.”
Since last year several other participants have been added to the tour, and they are: Dan and Luetta Yoder, Tom and Marilyn Mosteller, David Odorizza, Pearl Frazier and Ron and Cathy Hurley. The special events in this year’s 2006 garden tour include a koi pond, thanks to the Hurleys. Also, a twilight tour on June 16 will be held starting at 7 p.m. and lasting until 10 p.m.; it will be the first one Haysville has ever had. The Second Annual Daylight Tour will be from 9 a m. to 1 p.m. on June 17. There will be ten gardens in all on display. Donation containers will be placed at each participant’s garden site for the beautification of Haysville’s entrance.
“Last year, $228 was raised, and it has mostly been volunteers doing everything from making signs to working the events. This year, we had some signs professionally made and for a very reasonable cost, care of Derby High School Graphics Dept. We are grateful to them for their help,” states Phil Harris.
C.J. Cross printed the maps and brochures for the event. The Second Annual Garden Tour is sponsored by: the Haysville Times, Haysville Pride, Victorian Tea Celebrations, Dutch’s Greenhouse, Yoder’s Lawn Service, and DeRee Nursery. Haysville Pride and Haysville Times both have been instrumental in getting prizes and finding judges and coordinating with the wonderful people who wanted to share their gardens with the rest of the community, and “we are grateful for their help,” said Phil Harris.
Haysville’s Second Annual Garden Tour Committee will be meeting on June 13, 2006. The meeting will be held at The Senior Center. This will finalize details for

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