Motto Contest Winner Announced

By Joni Lee
The Haysville Times

The proposed 2007 budget was the focus of Monday’s city council meeting. During the public hearing portion of this issue, a concerned citizen spoke of his doubts about the increase in the 2007 budget compared to previous years. The city council members followed by having a somewhat heated debate about whether certain items should be removed from the budget. A proposition was made by some members that the addition of one park worker and one police officer could be removed to cut budget costs along with buying a new water truck. When it came down to voting, the motion to delete the two positions did not pass, with the tie being broken by the mayor’s vote against the changes to the budget. When all was said and done, the proposed 2007 budget was passed, allowing the park and police departments the freedom to expand their workforce.
Haysville’s PRIDE Committee Chairperson, Tom Gibson, presented Morris Floyd, the winner of the PRIDE motto contest, with a check for $200. “Pride. Partnership. Progress.” may become the city’s official slogan if the city council passes a resolution for it.
Tom also mentioned that the PRIDE Committee proposes having the city flower, an idea that has been spreading throughout Haysville, be the day lily. He said that the reason this flower would be a good choice is due to all the lilies that were enjoyed by citizens at this year’s garden tour in town.
Council members passed a resolution Monday night that allows for Haysville to submit an application to the Kansas Department of Transportation for the Safe Routes to School Program founded by SAFETEA-LU. This program promotes children walking to school by allowing funds to be set aside for sidewalk improvements.
Haysville recently took part in a public protection classification survey. The results for the survey regarding the structure fire suppression delivery system was a class 2, with only 5 other cities in the state of Kansas having such an excellent score. This score should improve insurance for water and fire departments, allowing citizens to save money on insurance.
As part of the governing body announcements, council members encouraged citizens to continue to attend the Hometown Market on Saturday mornings from 8-noon in the Haysville Historic District to support the vendors and enjoy their products.
September’s tree board meeting will be moved from the first Monday of the month to Tuesday, September 5th due to Labor Day.
Georgie Root of the Recreation Committee reported that the deadline for volleyball and soccer sign-ups through the HAC has been extended to September 1st.
The 4th annual Dog Daze of Summer will be held at the city pool on Saturday, August 19th. You can bring your dog to the pool for a swim from 1-2:30pm for $3 per dog. It’s a great opportunity to have some fun in the sun while enjoying time with your beloved pet.

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